The ACP supports pioneering programs to protect and conserve marine and terrestrial environments of our shared U.S., Bermuda and Caribbean environment. In collaboration with other leading environmental initiatives, the ACP is firmly committed to conservation efforts and the urgent action needed to halt the loss of biodiversity, in particular, by addressing the survival of species that depend on quality oceanic environments. Central to our mission, the projects we support also provide opportunities for education and training of the next generation of leaders in conservation.
- The ACP and our sister charity BZS are driving forces behind a union of environmental groups to help save the Sargasso Sea. The BASS is supporting efforts by the Bermuda government and its international partners to establish the Sargasso Sea as a high-seas protected area through research, education and community awareness.
- The Bermuda Turtle Project supports a network for sea turtle biologists, environmentalists, students, and resource managers in the Western Atlantic-Caribbean region to promote the conservation of marine turtles through research and education.
- The Bermuda Shark Project conducts research focusing on the satellite tagging of tiger sharks around the Bermuda Platform.
- A priority of the Cahow Recovery Project is to establish Nonsuch Island as a new colony by translocating near-fledged chicks from their natal nest sites to a new group of artificial nests built at the new colony site.
- The Humpback Whale Project, Bermuda was started in 2007 by Andrew Stevenson to study the humpbacks as they migrate past Bermuda and to document their lives underwater.