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Aquarium revamp set for mid-June finish
By Simon Jones
Published Apr 14, 2015 at 8:00 am (Updated Apr 14, 2015 at 10:52 am)
Helping hand: Health Minister Jeanne Atherden, during her tour of the aquarium,
popped in to the classroom to assist Paget Primary P4 Fox during their field trip.
She is seen here assisting Diego Barclay (left) and Taurin Euler? (Photo by Akil Simmons)
A major renovation of the aquarium is expected to be completely finished by mid-June.
It had initially been hoped that the aquarium would be open to the public again by the end of this month.
But persistent rain storms in February have caused the completion of the project, which involved a major overhaul of the facility and its roof, to be delayed.
Curator Ian Walker told The Royal Gazette that half of the aquarium hall would be open by mid-May, while the rest of the building would be finished by mid-June.
“We are very happy with the work that has been done so far,” he said.
“The delay has principally been caused by all the bad weather that we had in February, which prevented work from being done.
Revamped aquarium: Aquarium curator Ian Walker (centre) shows Health Minister
Jeanne Atherden how work is progressing at the attraction? (Photo by Akil Simmons)
“The roof structure has now been completed and the tanks have been installed. We have lots of work to do getting the new graphics on the walls in the coming weeks.
“There is still infrastructure work that needs to be done inside, and the plans moving forward from here are to install the work platforms and the new lighting.” The renovation project began last year, and has involved the complete removal of the old roof as well as interior walls and flooring.
Yesterday, Environment Minister Jeanne Atherden joined Dr Walker on a walk around the new structure to check on progress.
She said: “I’m very pleased with the way it’s looking.
“We are extremely fortunate to have such a wonderful aquarium and it’s great to see all these upgrades taking place.
Health Minister Jeanne Atherden visited Paget Primary P4 Fox during their fieldtrip to
the Aquarium to learn about the islands habitat. Pictured- Diego Barclay (left)
and Taurin Euler. (Photo by Akil Simmons)
“I’m looking forward to seeing it open to the public again very soon and would encourage everyone to get down here and see all the work that has been done.”
Although the aquarium hall has been closed for many months, with fish and other creatures kept behind the scenes, the rest of the zoo has and will remain open to the public.
Dr Walker added: “A lot of people are working very hard to get the aquarium back open again as soon possible.
“The new building provides us not only with extra storage space but also new money saving technologies.
“It will be worth waiting for.”
Health Minister Jeanne Atherden visited Paget Primary P4 Fox during their fieldtrip to
the Aquarium to learn about the islands habitat. (Photo by Akil Simmons)
Click here for an interview with Dr. Ian Walker, Principal Curator of the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum & Zoo.